Sometimes all you need is some strawberry toast jam, a Coke + some peace & quiet.
Martha Stewart love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who actually met Ms. Martha at a gala + had no idea that she's such an Amazon! Damn, that lady's tall!)
PS. If you can't find something, for the love of God please consider using Search (either in-world or on a larger syndication feed like iheartsl). Or IM Gavin McGinnis! hehe
Sleeping bags picture:
Sleeping bags: Reek - Sleeping Bag - I Heart Nap and Food Coma
Light string: No. 3 Feather - *+N3F+* Stone ornament (store closed; creator Sachiyo Noel)
Jumping animation tire (Gavin is using): No. 3 Feather - *+N3F+* Stone ornament (store closed; creator Sachiyo Noel)
Fence: Glitterati - Fence (*NOTE: this store always has tons of free poses + free pose props; shown here without the pose) - free
Paint can w/ paint brush: LP2 - ++LP2++ Paint Can Red (more gifts here) - free (creator Yasuki Beck)
Firefly rock: Creative Fantasy - Julia's Firefly Rock (add Fire fly sparkle to your landscape!) - free (I think I found this by clicking on it in the landscape)
Steamy apple pie: Poche @ 49L $ BUZZURL!! - apple pie (another apple tart included) - $49L sale (creator Miyu Adder)
Aquariums picture:
Aquariums: Shop NN - *NN* Wall Aquarium (on left) and *NN* Wall Aquarium 3 (on right) - 4 prims each, including animated fish! (*NOTE: these were lucky board prizes I believe; however everything here is super cheap; check creator Naonao Watanabe for other locations too) - previously free
Wine tray: NotSoBad: .:NsB:. BORDEAUX Tray - Christmas gift by NOTsoBAD (copy) - previously free
Retro silver lamp (w/ light): PopArt - ::PopArt:: Pallermo Lamp (*NOTE: tons of cheapies here!) - $1L
Super furry textured rug: REJUDOR - ++FUR RUG B++
Chandelier: Null - null_chandelier_2009_small (store closed; creator Daaii Jinn) - previously free
Pink sitting pouffe: LP2 - ++LP2++ Large stool Pink
Pink beads plant: Nocc. - [[[nocc.]]] glass beads plants_pink
Sunny giraffe corner picture:
White vase w/ orange flower (on windowsill): Nocc. - [[[nocc.]]] Gerbera orange /// Opening gift! - free
Rug: Nordari - goldie. (included in ruggies. - buy off freebies wall for $0L) - free
Hanging lamps: Nordari - recycling.lamp - dotty. (buy off freebies wall for $0L) - free
Spilled ice cream: BP @ Drowsy - Drowsy special ice cream/mix (click on ice cream stand in town to get this + more flavors for $0L; many more secret gifts here if you explore) - free
Saddle stool: Reek - Saddle Stool - Natural Wood - former $50L Fridays - previously $50L
Giraffe: Sassafras - Sleep Pal- Giraffee-Yellow Retro
Strawberry canisters (set of 3) - Melia - "MELIA" enamel canisters [strawberry]
Lemon slices foot bath w/ towel: BP - Foot Bath - prior group gift - previously free
Framed painting: The Loft- (LP)- Floor Frame (Texture Change) - previously free (store closed; creator Miabella Foxley)
Munchies table picture:
Bread tray: Misaki Bakery - bread tray pose (L hand) (*NOTE: click around here; you can "Buy" 1 of every baked good + more freebies for $0L) - free
Cinnamon roll: Misaki Bakery - CinnamonRoll - free
Bread w/ tongs: Misaki Bakery - tongs (R hand) - free
Jam w/ spoon: Misaki Bakery - strawberry jam open p (included in brown bag labeled " paperbag jam toast set") - free
Mini frosted berry cake w/ fork: Melia - "MELIA" kouglof plate (click on cake in glass server to get one w/ eating animation + fork for $0L) - free
Pink cupcake w/ cherry on top: Hiruneya - cupcake-eating (buy cupcakes for $0L; 4 flavors total) - free
Golden-rimmed plates: MMGraffiti's - Soup plate(6)_2prim - free
White plates: MMGraffiti's - *~MMG's~* Round plate(3)_1prim - free
Cupcake cookie: Kue - [KUE!] Cupcake Cookie Pink - $0L daily gatcha - free
Preztel: Kue - [KUE!] Pretzel Salted
Green egg & ham w/ tiny serving fork: :::[Famish]::: Green Eggs & Ham for your mouth! /W Fork - NS - previously free (store closed; creator Whisper Despres)
Strawberry mouse cup: Poche @ 49L $ BUZZURL!! - Strawberry mousse (set of 3 flavors included) - $49L (*NOTE: this was a limited time sale that was scheduled to end March 7; look on Poche store creator Miyu Adder's profile Picks for store location)
Steamy apple pie: Poche @ 49L $ BUZZURL!! - apple pie (another apple tart included) - $49L sale (creator Miyu Adder; see note for item above)
Rolling pin: Companhia do Pao - *cariocca* RollingPin - wer-me (click around; nearly everything is $0L here) - free
Blue mini flowerpot w/ sparkly candle wick: Picnic - Picnic flowerpot - mint & candle wick (buy sign near entrance for $0L; set of 4 mini-planters included) - free
Cheese: Picnic - Picnic cheese - emmental [cut]
Green bottles, napkins & mini cheese snacks: Post - POST / Brennivin og Hakarl (click to Buy for $0L) - free
Hot cocoa mug w/ bears: Eclectic Randomness - ER Bear Mug 2009 - Cocoa (wear me) - buy in freebies corner for $0L - free
Roses planter: iTuTu - (iTuTu) planter-06-s
Windowsill snack picture:
Coke bottle: Companhia do Pao - free
Jam toast: Misaki Bakery - strawberry jam toast (included in brown bag labeled " paperbag jam toast set") - free