ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who sucks at hunts. Really rilly)
*NOTE: unless otherwise noted, all hunt prizes are located in: Albero; for a comprehensive store listing + pics of prizes, see the hunt blog here.
Hair: Truth - Krystal Streaked - espresso (new!) *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Skin: Pink Fuel @ Pacific Crisis Fundraiser - [PF] Kumi - Amethyst (freck) (new!)
Dandelion pose prop: No Strings Attached @ Albero - 'NSA' - Dandy (for Albero Kawaii hunt) (wear me) - free
Teacups hat: Ingenue @ Albero - Ingenue :: Teetering Teacups Chapeau - free
Dress: Mocha @ Albero - +mocha+ - Highland Holiday [Mint] - free
Pink chair: Second Spaces @ Albero - Kawaii Chair - cute pink - free
Flickering TV: Tasty @ Albero - {T}-Mine Mini Tv - free
Steamy teacup ring w/ tiny lemons: Awesome Blossom - :: AB :: Tea Cup Ring - free
Multicolored beads necklace: Deco @ Albero - DECO - Pearls in a Rush - Super Kawaii - free
Poses: Olive Juice @ Albero - Olive Juice- Super Kawaii! Pose Pack - free