ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who has zero opportunity to have a green thumb in RL)
Skin: Curio @ Skin Fair 2011 - :GP: Petal [Light] Pout-Pure 1 (new!) *mwuahs Gala Phoenix*
Hat: Tram - tram fox fur hat(brown) ribbon *mwuahs Moca Loup*
Wet eyeliner: [ a.e.meth ] - Wet Eyeliner (thick + super lash) *mwuahs Aemeth Lysette*
Laptop bag: Urban Warehouse - :::UW::: Laptop bag - group gift (join group for $0L + touch signs near door; look in Notices for more gifts; 3 lucky chairs here also) - free
Butterfly clusters: Alirium Gardens - group gift (all "clusters" are 1 prim each + mod; you get several colors in the pack) - join group for $0L + touch sign - free
Sweater: Kobilica - kobilica. dance bear dance shirt - $50L
Skirt: Tee*fy - Orelle Dress Nude (FLF) - previous $50L Fridays
Boots: Reek - Autumn Boots - Sienna - previous $50L Fridays
Pendant necklace + earrings: Magic Nook @ The Dressing Room - [MAGIC NOOK] Moon River Set (Gold/Pearl)
Gloves: Indyra Originals - Kidskin gloves: Offwhite
Hair: Elikatira - [e] Blind - Brown 04
Tattoo: YaYo - :: YaYo :: - Heart - Tattoo
Pose: Adorkable *mwuahs Adorkable Peapod*