One doesn't necessarily expect
eyes-poppin'-outta-tha-head-wowza surroundings at a ginormous charity fashion event like
Fashion For Life (after all, the real stars are the charity items for sale). However this event's 9-SIM build, created entirely in black and white -- both to save on texture load lag + as a visual metaphor for this year's theme of finding hope despite extreme darkness -- was something that I found so richly detailed and visually satisfying that I had to share it with you.

The SIMs are each named after famous photogs, each one unique; my fave is the Ansel Adams build, resembling a (clean) South Beach.

This dramatic, stage-like area (actually the entrance to the Nicky Ree store) channels glitz + glamour, striking a pitch-perfect ambiance for encouraging
les shoppings.

A simple planted divider that resembles a particularly inviting stretch of Sunset Boulevard (where Beverly Hills begins).

A gothly castle rises up out of a covering of leaves at the Stieglitz SIM.

The Avedon SIM hearkens to royal times and a bit o' magic.
On a personal note, knowing how much work goes into a single blog post, I can only imagine the work, stress + inevitable hair pulling involved in masterminding such an enormous event; it's hard not to feel touched by the months of dedicated effort required for something on this scale. Huge
*mwuahs* to
Fashion For Life organizers
Harper Beresford and
Syngen Sohmers for making this event happen!
Hope you enjoyed the photo tour of this amazing build.
Get thee to shopping love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe(who encourages
everyone to attend + support this event)