ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who always appreciates clean styling)
*NOTE: The To one Lounge creator names are listed below in case you want to check out their individual stores, since for whatever reason, store names aren't displayed at this shopping event, grrr.
Skin: Curio @ Skin Fair 2011 - :GP: Petal Frex [Light] Pout-Silver Spoon 2 (new!) *mwuahs Gala Phoenix*
Wet eyeliner: [ a.e.meth ] - Wet Eyeliner (thick + super lash) *mwuahs Aemeth Lysette*
Headband: The Fashion Garret - TFG:: Group Gift 3rd Edition (join group for $0L + touch sign near subscribo) - free
Earrings: The Fashion Garret - TFG:: Earrings Feathers Tribu (creator Cattiva Vita) - $25L
Dress: To one Lounge: Swan dress (creator FUGEES Teardrop)
Necklace: To one Lounge: ball necklace (creator aya Huldschinsky)
Bag: To one Lounge: Clutch bag *ocean (creator aya Huldschinsky)
Hair: Maitreya - Nimue - Almond
Poses: Long Awkward Pose