Cute poses at $20L each + a killer view of the ocean await you on the 2nd floor. -- I have to say that Noju's double rose barrettes that I'm wearing here (you get 3 colors per set) are some of my fave hair accessories ever (look in the knick-knack shelving with tiny little plants).
Huge wet smoochies to Noju Jupiter for gracing SL with your lovely creations! Your stuffs will be sorely missed. *mwuahs Noju Jupiter* Love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who really hates it when her most beloved stores close)
Shorts + top: Noju - Thank you gift - Spring Lace Rompers (join group for $0L + click signs; this gift comes in various pant lengths. *NOTE: hair + other gifts near this one also) - free
Gloves: Atelier AM - Aya V fur gloves (buy off column sign towards back of store) - free
Earrings: Frangipani Garden on XStreet - Petite Flower Necklace & Earrings (Baby Pink) - buy on XStreet for $0L here (many thanks to Karla Scorbal for this tip!) - free
Hair: 69 - Nina - Lightgoldenbrown
Skin: Laq - Jewel 01 [Nougat] Glow skin
Eyes: Negaposi - Fairy Eyes - Glass
2nd look:
Skirt: Noju - Antique Lace Skirt (LB limited) - lucky board prize - free
Hair: Beautiful Dirty Rich - Noelia Hair Majestic - profile picks gift - free
Necklace: Ruru@Pino - [Pa*N*Da]*WA*POP (tp to garden level; buy box for $0L) - free
Tops: both from Luck Inc. - Open buttoned Top Lilac Pulled and Petite Eggplant 2
Belt: Luck Inc. - Wide Leather Belt Solid Colors (color change) - black
Barrette: Noju - Antique 2-rose hair clip(purple)
Skin: Laq - Jewel 01 [Nougat] Glow skin
Eyes: Negaposi - Fairy Eyes - Moonlight
Poses by: Noju (*NOTE: make sure to grab the pack of free poses with the other group gifts)
on Gavin McGinnis:
Sunglasses: Maschienenwerk -DG_Sunglasses (there are 15 free pairs here; tons more freebies around the store) - free
Sunglasses: Maschienenwerk -Jagu_Glasses (there are 15 free pairs here) - free
Shirt: Aoharu - AOHARU_BT_V-NeckShirt_Black