May 11, 2010

Lost in the Woods

So Teshan invited me to post on her blog as a guest and I didn't post for a long time because I LOVE this blog and was too nervous I would mess it up! Then after she poked me a lot I decided to give it a go!
I tricked her by telling her I was doing an all pink post, hehe. Instead I did a sort of androgynous brown post! *Giggles* I do love these clothes though, and best part? Free and unisex! The skin is a new release from Adam N Eve and I must say it is lovely as all their skins are, might actually be one of my favorites from there.
And the boots? So perfect! Also unisex. (Gavin? Are you listening?)
Outfit: Dilly Dolls, Dark Katz hunt gift (male)
Skin: Adam N Eve
Hair: Exile
Boots: Adjunct
Poses: No Strings Attached


Sydd Sinister said...

im really loving that skin too

Tesh said...

ZOMG Sileny!! I am sooo happily tricked!! Welcome to the SLexy crew + you are surely the most ravishing wood nymph of them all!! *feels the overwhelming need to go chop some timber whilst looking dainty just like Sileny*

*mwuahs Sileny with lumberjack kisses*


Whisper Despres said...

Oh no, another reason to keep coming back here every day. Yayyyy Sileny. Congrats on guest blogger. Woot!!!!!

Gavin said...

Hey Sileny I'm glad to see you finally put up a post on Slexy. Now you're officially one of the Slexy ones. Your first post is amazing. I hope I get there are more to come. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for slexy. I think I may have to go pick up those boots right now. :))

Unknown said...

Welcome! G, I am glad she was looking at you when she mentioned boots. I have plenty of pairs of them...Shush Tesh, YES you can have to much stuff *ducks the flying shoe with a grin*

Great post. Nice to see another that works the camera so well gracing this page.

Sileny said...

Aww thank you guys! You're making me blush!

Sileny said...

And wait who said something about too much stuff? *Prepares to help Tesh throw shoes*

Tesh said...

Haha aim at Ethan! He's the one going undercover as "Jeffe" . . . he tried to tell me that 10,000 inventory was "a lot." !!!!!

*aims cannonball at Ethan*

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