ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Necklace: Donna Flora - MURIEL set *mwuahs Squinternet Larnia*
Skin: Glam Affair - Glam Affair- Monica Natural- D 07 (new!) *mwuahs M4ri1yn Magic + Aida Ewing*
Hair: Truth - Alison Streaked - swedish (new!) *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Dress: A La Folie - SATINE BLUERED (buy box on counter) - $10L
Eggs basket (worn on arm): El Patio Inc. - who spilled the eggs? - buy egg basket on ground near table, in grassy area in front of store for $0L - free
Tongue w/ tiny black scarf on mini hanger: EY:NO - Tongue - scarf black - $50L gatcha
Shoes: Kookie - Powder Puff - Cloud
Smudgy eye makeup: Kyoot - Kyoot Makeup - Smokey (Turquoise)
Socks: Mother Goose's - knee socks girl&boy
Bandaid: Reek - Bandaids - Autumn Plaid
Gloves: Emery - Gloves Studded #Lavender
Belt: fri.Day - Cinch.Belt (Blue) - Med
Nails: Pulcino @ TFC Aikane Lani - *pulcino*Star tattoo Nail (07 Purple) *mwuahs Piyogorou Aichi*
Star tattoo: YaYo - :: YaYo :: - Star - Tattoo
Pose: Le Poppycock *mwuahs Julliette Bade*