ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who's been indulging in way too much delicious lately)
Skin: Glam Affair - Glam Affair- Monica Natural- D 09 (new!) *mwuahs M4ri1yn Magic + Aida Ewing*
Hair: Truth - Mylie Streaked - almond (new!) *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Top: Riddle - Meia Tunic - White (new!) *mwuahs Chrystina Noel*
Skirt: Fishy Strawberry @ The Dressing Room - $40L (1-year anniversary special item)
Shoes: Stiletto Moody - Zaha (Lavender) - 75% off sale (new item on 75% off sale daily)
Bag: Duh! - ::Duh!:: My Spring Plaid Bag Silver (no pose) - subscribo gift - free
Sunflower wreath: SoliDea Little FoliEs - *SoliDea Little FoliEs* Andrea Head Decor *mwuahs Mila Tatham*
Purple ring: House of Fox - HouseofFox :: My Favorite Gem. (dark purple) - group gift - free
Floral ring: Kiitos - *S White Clover Ring=Group Gift= - subscribo gift (subscribe, History, 1) - free
Cookie jar (gives cookies!): Magic Nook @ The Dressing Room - [MAGIC NOOK] Cookie Jar (Blue) - $70L
Cat: KittyCats - Sydney *mwuahs Keira Seerose*
Hat (placed on kitty's head): Le Poppycock - *Le Cap* Flowers of all tomorrows *mwuahs Julliette Bade*
Mouth flower: EY:NO - [EY:NO] Sunflower Subscribe Gift - subscribo gift - free
Poses: pda - $50L Fridays