ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who's really looking forward to le weekend)
Makeup: La Malvada Mujer - Rock 'n' Roll Suicide#2 *mwuahs Faina Cortes*
Shoes: .::Censored::. - Monalisa Shoe Red (new!) *mwuahs PrincesaCindy Bravitz*
Lower tattoo: actchio. - video killed the radio star tattoo (new!) *mwuahs Silver Milneaux*
Upper tattoo: actchio. - cupcake ponies tattoo (new!) *mwuahs Silver Milneaux*
Rings: Mood - Sweet Stacked Spring Rings *mwuahs Jori Walter*
Earrings: Boho @ Purple Moon - :: PM :: Feather Earrings in Gold (walk ACROSS short courtyard to opposite building for Boho; then buy square gift box on little table) (new!) - $10L
Bracelets: Rotten Toe - ...RT...Urban Bracelet...(resize) - $15L paid group gift - free
Gloves: Emery - Gloves Studded #Yell
Red tank top: Alegria Designs - Nipple Tank Top red
Yellow ruffled tank top: Diapop - * [DIAPOP] * 70-seven top - flower - lucky board prize (new!) - free
Apple choker: ::SUGARCUBE - apple necklace spine
Golden cupcake necklace: [[SHADE THRONE]] - THE BIG LOVE NECKLACE
Skin: Exodi - :: Exodi :: Sophie Lumiere - May (Base - Light Brows) - paid group gift (new!) - free
Shorts: Coco - *COCO*_Gift-DenimShorts_Pants - group gift - free
Socks: League - *League* Gartered Socks -Off White
Hair: [ 69 ] - GISUC - Light Sandy Blonde
Bag: *TOMODACHI* on Marketplace - Casual Denim Bag (creator Ichigopai Huckleberry) - free
Pose for yellow top look: Everglow
All other poses: Oracul (AO)
Shot at: Lost World