ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who lives in the city of random combos)
Hair: Truth- Sia Streaked - cranberry (new!) *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Shoes: Mstyle - GOSHI Pumps - FP Bonus 1 *mwuahs Mikee Mokeev*
Necklace: Tram - classic necklaceB(yellow) *mwuahs Moca Loup*
Bracelet: Donna Flora - MARIA bracelet R *mwuahs Squinternet Larnia*
Belt: Boom - *BOOM* Lynx- Skinny Belt (left pec) - Cherry *mwuahs Aranel Ah*
Bag: .:: M*G*S ::. - Eco Bag J ... You Win !!! - $5L gatcha
Top: jOLIE! on Marketplace - Stipes'n Roses [shirt layer] - $2L
Nails: Pulcino - *pulcino*Fruit Bavarian Cream(Blue) - free
Shorts: Coco - *COCO*_Gift-DenimShorts_Pants - group gift - free
Socks: .::Mother Goose's::. - socks girl socks - group gift - free
Cap: Maitreya - leather Cap *Sangria*
Skin in full look pic: Tres Blah @ Skin Expo - {Pale} Indie: Impartial - Dark Brows
Cardigan: .:: M*G*S ::. - .:: M*G*S ::. Marine knit cardigan LB limited Gray - lucky board prize - free
Skin in cardigan pic: Tres Blah - tb- {Light} Jejune Glossy - Red Winged Brows
Mad bunneh doll: NAMINOKE - *N*INFO BUNNY_NAMINO(110518) - subscribo gift - free
Poses: HelaMiyo - Poses High Fashion (new!) - free & Everglow