ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ - Lola Mesh Hair - (BOOBS) - Ash (new!) *mwuahs MissAllSunday Lemon*
Lipstick: ESUGA/The Sugar Garden - "tSg" Stella Lips: Ruby (dark)
(new!) *mwuahs Eilfie Sugarplum*
Eyes: IKON - Horizon Eyes - Dark Brown (M) (new!) *mwuahs Ikon Innovia*
Skin: -Glam Affair - Leah Light - 03 BL (new!) *double mwuahs Aida Ewing & M4ri1yn Magic*
Shoes & socks: Maitreya Gold - Moxie All Basics *mwuahs Onyx LeShelle*
Red lips necklace: Tram - lips necklace(red) *mwuahs Moca Loup*
Silver cuff: Erratic - cuff / silver (R) *mwuahs Erratic Rain*
Purse: Lavanda - LavandaChic-spring bag - join group for $0L; click purse on display opposite counter - free
Bear coin purse (worn on purse): +9 on Marketplace - knit bear coin purse(stomach) - free
Dress: ::HH:: - Hucci Tank Dress - April Gift - subscribo gift - free (for current subscribers only)
Nails: * RezIpsa Loc * - Rainbow Nails (glove layer) - previously $1L
Candy gem ring & earrings: (Yummy) - Candy Ring - Orange & Together Earrings
Pearl ropes necklace: +plus* - The Vintage Red Pearl Necklace* (creator Helena Compton)
Standing pose: *EverGlow* - Poses for Pose Fair 2012 (new!) *mwuahs Fanny Willis*
Crouching pose: Lionypaw for Flasher (*NOTE: we've set out this pose for $1L 'cuz it's not complete; it'll get your avi into this basic position, but some editing will be required) - $1L (new!) *mwuahs Gavin McGinnis*