ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Hair: Truth - Hilary - espresso (new!) *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Cigarette: The Sea Hole @ Collabor88 - Parisian Cigarette & Holder (Clove Cig) - Acorn (part of The Sea Hole - Parisian Accessory Set - Acorn) (new!) *mwuahs Drinkinstein Sorbet*
Shoes: R2 @ Collabor88 - R2"Nohea" White {fb} (new!) *mwuahs Rei2 Aya*
Top: Kyoot @ Collabor88 - Josephine Cropped Sweater (Navy Stripes) (new!) *mwuahs Saeya Nyanda*
Capris: Kyoot @ Collabor88 - Etienne Capris (Rouge) (new!) *mwuahs Saeya Nyanda*
Sunglasses: Yummy @ Collabor88 - Karina Glasses - White (new!) *mwuahs Polyester Partridge*
Skin: -Glam Affair - Leah Light - 02 Red (new!) *double mwuahs Aida Ewing & M4ri1yn Magic*
Golden Ring: Paper Couture - P.C; Golden Wings Ring
Bag: [LeLutka] - RUIZ bag/Red
Milkshake: Milkshake Banana @ Motif - click milkshake machine on counter to get your choice of banana, cherry, strawberry or chocolate - free
Pose: .ploom. - Dive *double mwuahs Steve Cartier & Helyanwe Vindaloo*