Actually all of these goodies came to me via an extremely useful new SL discovery for all us gatcha fanatics: The Arcade - Gatcha Events group. This is actually the official event group; you just IM Marianne McCann for chat rights (to IM in the group cat) and start firing away what you want. -- I actually found reading the group rules extremely helpful beforehand (especially the "buyer beware"-type warnings re: exchanging trade items -- which listed a few pitfalls that definitely would not have occurred to me on my own) and this amazing sleeping puppy bed rare came my way, within hours of being in the group! So, if you ever find yourself caught up in the oh-so-fun evilness of gatcha (sob), and need to unload some stuff, try this group before you swear off gatcha forevs (note that this group is for trades only, not sales -- but I did notice that you'll sometimes find folks willing to just give items away if they have no use for them). So there ya go -- my SL tip of the day!
PS. Special thanks to mah girl Claire Soderstorm for hooking moi up with this gorges puppy!
Bite the hand that feeds you love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Pig: Intrigue Co. @ The Arcade - Mini Piggy Chair (new!) *mwuahs Katharine McGinnis*
Sleeping puppy: ISPACHI @ The Arcade - [Breaghwy] Sleeping Puppy In Basket RARE [Basket]
Cookies: 8f8 @ The Arcade - 40_8f8 - La Petite Joie Cafe - Cookie Jars SECRET
Sock puppet dog: Pizza & Tarte @ The Arcade - Lola the Beagle Sock Puppet (Wear Me)