ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
*NOTE: there's been a ton of blog coverage on the Mesh Around Hunt; you can check out the prizes list + a hints list here (scroll down below the thumbnails for the hints); you're looking for a letter "M." Happy hunting!
Necklace: Izzie's - 50's Pearl Necklace cyan (new!) *mwuahs Izzie Button*
Eyeshadow: Izzie's @ Skin Addiction Showcase - Delusional Eyeliner Set (SA gift) - join Skin Addiction group for $0L; click small sign on table - free (new!) *mwuahs Izzie Button*
Skin: -Glam Affair- @ CHIC 2 - Mia Natural 04 (new!) *double mwuahs Aida Ewing & M4ri1yn Magic*
Hair: Truth - Delia - espresso *mwuahs Truth Hawks*
Flip-flops: Maitreya Gold - Flip-Flops All Colors *mwuahs Onyx LeShelle*
Hairpin: *Fishy Strawberry* - Eos Ribbon Hairpin *mwuahs Fae Eriksen*
Top: {PopTart} - Strappy Mesh Top (Vintage Dots) - MA - 59 (find/buy letter "M") (new!) - free
Pose: Le Poppycock *double mwuahs Julliette Bade & Olivia Lalonde*