Jan 5, 2012

Free As a Bird

So last time I sneaked in here to post Tesh finally caught me!  She flung me into a cage and locked the door and made me dress like a pretty bid girl (not that I minded that part!)  Well too bad Tesh, I'm out and I'm letting every one know what an evil bird-cager you are!  I am going to cover all your cupcakes in bird seed!
OK, maybe that's not true.  I'll be a pretty bird for Tesh whenever.  *Smooches*  Lots of mixing and matching going on in my look today so read the credits for more info.  And if you find bird seed in your cupcakes Tesh...it wasn't me.
Top Dress and Tights: Sakide, hunt gifts
Dress Underneath: Epoque
Mesh Hair: Alice Project, new release
Head Piece: Adore&Abhor
Shoes: Nardcotix
Skin: Red Mint
Makeup: Sn@tch
Gloves: Nu.Ju (everything 22L today only)
Cage: Squeek!